This is the first volume of Shanghai Kate Hellenbrand's catalog of her collection of original acetate tattoo stencils, hand-carved by America's Tattoo Master, Sailor Jerry Collins of Honolulu, Hawaii, during his long career in his historic shop at 1033 Smith Street.
This book is more than a catalog, however. It's a wonderful reference book for any art lover, including tattoo apprentices, artists and those interested in the folk art tradition of Old School Americana tattoo imagery. The stencils are reproduced exactly as they are, complete with extra carbon from their use. They have not been colored in as in a "flash" book. This is the book that took acetate tattoo stencils out of the garbage heap and into frames on walls of those impassioned by traditional tattoo imagery.
42 pages, double sided
Short discussion of the use of acetate stencils
Introduction by author